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Festsall Holzem

5 Route de Garnich
8277 Holzem

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Kick Back at Old Age Yoga 50+ in English

!! MODIFIKATIOUN : Dëse Cours gëtt haaptsächlech op Englesch gehaalen! Nëmmen op Nofro kennt dir Erklärungen op Lëtzebuergesch oder Franséisch kreien!
!! MODIFICATION : Ce cours est principalement dispensé en anglais ! Sur demande seulement, des explications peuvent être données en luxembourgeois ou en français !
!! NOTE : This course will be held primarily in English! Only on request things can be explained in Luxembourgish or French!

As we age, it is important for us to stay flexible, strong and mobile. Yoga is an excellent way to achieve this, helping us to feel strong in mind and body. Your practice will empower you, enhacing the quality of your movement and life. It will make you feel stronger, more stable and more mobile so that you can kick back at old age. Props and alternatives will be used to make sure your practice meets you at your level and to ensure you get the best out of your practice.
Needed for the class are a mat, 2 yoga blocks and a blanket.


Minimum: 10 | Maximum: 25
Place(s) disponible(s): Complet
À partir de 16 ans



Frais d'inscriptions

Moins de 18 ans
40,00 EUR
Moins de 26 ans
60,00 EUR
À partir de 26 ans
80,00 EUR

Les dates de l'activité

06.02 - 21.05.2024 (Mardi 09:30-10:30)

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