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Salle des fêtes / Festival hall Holzem

5 Route de Garnich
8277 Holzem

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Hatha based yoga in English (all levels)

Strong and gentle alignment-based yoga using the poses and breathing to create balance in body and mind. Each week we will focus on different areas of the body using props to increase flexibility, strength and optimal movement. Different poses and breathing techniques will help you to relax, de-stress and down-regulate the nervous system. This class is for all levels including beginners.

Needed for the class are a mat, 2 yoga blocks and a blanket.


Minimum: 10 | Maximum: 25
Place(s) disponible(s): 9
À partir de 16 ans



Frais d'inscriptions

Moins de 18 ans
40,00 EUR
Moins de 26 ans
60,00 EUR
À partir de 26 ans
80,00 EUR

Les dates de l'activité

08.02 - 23.05.2024 (Jeudi 10:00-11:00)

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